Post-jam Updates v1.1

Devlog v1.1

Uploaded 09/26/2022

I have attempted to incorporate as much community feedback as possible. Thank you to everyone who shared their impressions!

Major updates

-Fixed the bug that caused the pressure plate for Heinrich or Jeremiah to deactivate the plate for Gertrude, soft locking the game.

-Fixed the bug that caused a player to get stuck inside a moving platform, soft locking the game.

-Spiked plates will no longer kill a player approaching from the side (but can still kill on a diagonal).

-Shortened the cooldown on all special abilities.

-Can now jump using the W or Up Arrow. Updated instructions accordingly.

-Lava Spiders now have a preparatory animation to telegraph when they're about to jump.

-It is now necessary to sacrifice all 10 Acolytes to win (rather than 9). Updated instructions accordingly.

-Pause Panel now displays the status of each Acolyte.

-The toolbar at the bottom of the screen now includes cooldown sliders for each special ability.

Minor updates

-Dialog can now be controlled using the keyboard (1, 2, and Space keys).

-Respawn time after a player meets an unworthy end shortened to 2 seconds.

-Game now freezes properly on Victory or Game Over.

-The cocoon pile now burns in one go.

-The cocoon pile and the corpses of ordinary spiders leave behind ashes when burned.

-Spiders no longer flip the wrong way while patrolling.

-Barrels now have their movement constrained on the X axis and rotation constrained on the Z axis.

-When a moving platform is activated, it will be highlighted by a red frame (only visible if onscreen).

-Corrected render layers on Entrance.

-Minor graphical updates to Main Menu.

-Minor revisions and corrections to dialogs; last 5 sacrifices now display a summary dialog.

-Added Progress legend to the toolbar at the bottom of the game screen.'

-The Long Leap sound effect now only triggers once per leap.

-Pitch stays stable when playing certain SFX.

-Flames now animate in unscaled time.


Build3 PostJam Version Play in browser
Sep 26, 2022

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